Saturday, August 31, 2013

Birdhouse and animals

 Hi all....I have been very busy of late and apologise for my non-blogging. We are getting rather dry here and have been moving cattle to utilise grass before the masses of kangaroo's eat all the grass. When I say masses of kangaroo's I mean it. When we drive in the paddock it makes them all move and you see hundreds of them...
I made this cute little birdhouse....maybe I lie.....I didn't make it from scratch....I covered it with some cute papers and embellished it. I think it is rather cute!

 Here is my first visitor every morning on my verandah. Occasionally he will sing and other birds will sing along.
 These 2 kangaroo's were visiting not far from the house.....and this is "Friday".

Friday is going to get a name change if he is not careful....
We are thinking of calling him "Ignoramus". When we drive home we pull up in the car next to "Friday" to say hello and give him a rub.....but "Friday" just walks away and keeps on eating.
Thanks for reading our blog